Scottish Government
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UK must reconsider stance on migrants.

EU reforms can and should be implemented within the existing Treaty framework.

The Prime Minister must urgently reconsider his position and opt into the EU-wide relocation scheme for migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean, Europe Minister Humza Yousaf said recently.

Responding to reports that the UK has chosen not to take part in the EU’s collective relocation scheme, Mr Yousaf said:

“We and our neighbours and friends across the EU have a moral obligation to offer a place of safety to these desperate people fleeing conflict and persecution.

“It is hugely disappointing that the UK has chosen not to partake in the EU’s collective efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in danger.

“I urge the Prime Minister to urgently reconsider his position and agree the UK will take its fair share of those in need of protection. In turn Scotland stands ready to welcome a proportionate share of those who desperately need our help.”

The Prime Minister has been in Brussels this week for the European Council. As well as setting out the UK’s position on the EU migrant relocation scheme, the Prime Minister formally set out his aims for EU reform, marking the start of the UK’s formal renegotiation process.

Mr Yousaf added:

“With the EU renegotiations now formally underway, the Prime Minister must respond quickly to our calls for Scotland to have a full and formal voice in the process.

“It is absolutely essential that Scotland’s interests are acknowledged – we cannot be kept in the dark on this vital issue.

“The Scottish Government, along with the devolved governments of Wales and Northern Ireland, must have a direct input to the UK’s negotiating stance, and I reiterate the First Minister’s recent calls for the UK to identify a formal forum for such talks to happen.

“Scotland’s priority will be to continue to make the powerful and positive case for Scotland and the UK’s continued membership of the European Union.”

Responding to reports that the Prime Minister has accepted it will not be possible to change the EU’s treaties before the UK’s referendum on EU Membership, Mr Yousaf said:

“The Scottish Government has continuously called for EU reform within the current treaty framework, I welcome the Prime Minister’s recognition that treaty change isn’t possible before the EU referendum is held.

“While we believe unequivocally that membership of Europe is in Scotland’s best interests – the Scottish Government agrees the EU should be reformed to work better for its citizens, and we have set out Scotland’s priorities for reform.

“But reforms can and should be implemented within the existing Treaty framework, rather than requiring Treaty change.

“I hope the Prime Minister’s recognition that treaty change is not possible before the EU referendum will lead to a constructive approach to negotiation and a focus on issues where there can be real benefit for all the citizens of Europe."

Notes To Editors

Mr Yousaf will be in Brussels on Monday and Tuesday for a series of engagements with MEPs and EU policy shapers. He will also discuss the EU migrant crisis with the UNHCR in Brussels.


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