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WWF-UK comments on the Autumn Statement

WWF-UK’s Director of Advocacy Trevor Hutchings commented on yesterday’s Autumn Statement

“An ever-shrinking natural environment, climate change, air and water pollution, and declining wildlife populations present our economy with risks and costs that could run into billions.  This Statement was an opportunity for the Chancellor to minimise these costs, and to position the economy to take advantage of huge international markets in low-carbon energy and technologies.

“It’s therefore unfortunate that the Chancellor did not have more to say about green growth beyond the welcome commitment to electric vehicles. Priorities should have included stronger support for renewables through the Industrial Strategy, and backing for a robust emissions reduction plan. Investment in the country’s natural assets could have cost-effectively reduced flooding and healthcare costs and protected UK business from growing problems of water scarcity.   The significant investments in infrastructure he did outline need to be designed to avoid, minimise or offset environmental damage.”

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