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Wales needs a bold vision to deliver growth and opportunity for all

The CBI has unveiled its business manifesto for the 2016 Welsh Assembly election setting out a vision for how Wales can secure its economic future in the years ahead.

In A plan for prosperity’ the CBI sets out the policies business wants to see adopted by the next Welsh Government. Recommendations range from establishing just eight local authorities by 2018 to creating a Wales Growth Council and supporting childcare for working parents in areas of low educational performance.

The CBI’s package of recommendations could kick-start growth in a radically new way. We address the challenge of growth by identifying some new policies - such as devolving true job-making powers to new regional development corporations; some existing priorities - building the M4 Black Route; and some cross-cutting behaviours – a whole-government approach to growth; all of which are underpinned by a timeline for delivery.

Emma Watkins, CBI Wales Director said:

“Working together, business and government can make the Wales of 2020 more successful, sustainable and vibrant.  The Wales we want is a Wales that works for everyone. The Welsh Government must relentlessly focus on growing the economy enabling businesses to create prosperity for the benefit of all.  Delivering this vision will take bold leadership, political courage and determination but it will lay the foundations for a prosperous future.

“While progress has been made, Wales needs to be more nimble and brave if we are to compete on a global stage. As our economic recovery begins to widen and deepen, we must grasp the opportunity to place our nation on a firm foundation. Only the private sector can create the jobs and growth our economy needs and only a more competitive and productive economy can increase opportunity.

“The CBI Wales manifesto has been developed by businesses the length and breadth of Wales, from all sectors and sizes of the economy.  We stand ready to work with government and our political leaders to deliver growth and opportunity for all.”

CBI Wales Chair, Chris Sutton, said:

“As the economy rebounds, Wales will face tough competition from both English regions and other nations around the world. With a small private sector and low productivity - we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. 

“Wales needs a new economic strategy with a clear focus on competitiveness and productivity, to ensure we capitalise on new opportunities for growth.  This bold new vision must recognise that Wales competes within a global marketplace for investment and talent, understands the value of investing in infrastructure, and above all, knows that tough decisions, such as the M4 relief road, cannot remain in question.

“The next Welsh Government has an historic opportunity to put in place far reaching measures that will close the economic gap with other regions and nations and deliver the prosperity that Wales needs. Achieving a more sustainable economy and providing many more, and better opportunities for all, will require leadership, co-operation and partnerships.

“We urge political leaders to adopt the policies set out in our manifesto, and ensure that Wales punches above its weight." 

On tax

“The next Welsh Government should develop a devolved tax roadmap for Wales. Having a clear tax plan will enable firms to plan ahead and make changes to payroll systems, as well as encouraging long-term investment in innovation and infrastructure.”

On childcare

“Wales must do more to help working families. Childcare costs have risen by 27% since 2010 and two earner families in the UK are among the hardest hit in the OECD from paying for the costs of care. To ensure every child has a flying start, we must focus more early years spending on parenting support and structured childcare in areas where educational performance is low.”


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