Welsh Government
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Planning consultation launched to support economy

The Welsh Government is inviting local authorities, and other interested bodies, to respond to a consultation on revising the Supporting the Economy chapter of Planning Policy Wales. This document contains land use planning policy for Wales. It provides the policy framework for the effective preparation of local planning authorities’ development plans.

Chapter 7, Supporting the Economy, has been redrafted to make it more aligned to the Welsh Government’s policies for supporting economic recovery. In particular the policy sets the context for local planning authorities’ work on local development plans and seeks to ensure that they plan for the whole economy. Local planning authorities will be required to establish an up-to-date evidence base and develop a comprehensive understanding of their local economies and their role in the wider regional economies.

Environment Minister John Griffiths said:

“The Welsh Government is determined to use all available policies to support economic recovery in Wales in concerted way. Part of this means making sure that our planning policies are aligned with other economic polices to ensure that the planning system supports economic recovery.

“The proposed changes to Planning Policy Wales provide guidance to local planning authorities on the important role that economic considerations should have in the planning and decision making process.

“I hope this consultation promotes debate and results in a wide range of views being submitted. I urge all those with an interest in Welsh planning policy to contribute.

“This consultation will inform the work of the Independent Advisory Group currently looking at the delivery of planning in Wales and the related work commissioned on City Regions.”

The period of public consultation will last for 14 weeks and responses should be submitted by 5th March 2012.

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