Welsh Government
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A new constitutional settlement for Wales: matters affecting Wales should be decided in Wales

The Welsh Government’s vision for Wales’ long term constitutional future within a devolved United Kingdom has been unveiled by the First Minister, Carwyn Jones.

In a submission to the UK Government’s Commission on Devolution in Wales (The Silk Commission), the First Minister is calling for Welsh devolution to be enhanced and restructured through a new Government of Wales Act in order to strengthen accountability, and reduce the scope for conflict between the Welsh and UK Governments.

The new settlement would replace the present “conferral model” of devolution,  whereby powers are devolved to Wales on specific matters, with a “Reserved powers” model,  where specific areas of responsibility such as constitutional affairs, defence, foreign affairs, social security and macro-economic policy would be “reserved” to the UK Parliament, with remaining matters devolved to Wales.

Click here for full press release

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