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Our response to BERR and CLG's consultation 'Prosperous Places'
We've responded to BERR and CLG's consultation 'Prosperous Places: Taking forward the Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration'
It's essential to ensure rural communities can benefit from and contribute to the ambitions of the Sub National Review.
Our response focuses on the need for 'rural proofing' of the new structures, processes and arrangements. We support the move for integration, through the new integrated regional strategy, and the principles of delegation and devolution that will apply to the RDAs.
It's vitally important the changes proposed as a result of the Sub National Review give due consideration to the different circumstances and needs of rural communities. Our response make suggestions on how this can happen.
However, we're disappointed that this consultation focuses on economic growth and places a sole focus on Gross Value Added as a target for RDAs. As an output based measurement GVA does not take into account the wider costs of such growth to the socio-environmental landscape; the well being agenda.