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Top researchers appointed to lead the way in health and social care research

Top researchers appointed to lead the way in health and social care research

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH News Release issued by COI News Distribution Service. 3 October 2008

A directory listing 100 of the most prestigious health and social care researchers has been published by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) today.

The Directory lists Senior Investigators who have been chosen to support the people making the most outstanding contribution to patient and people-focused health research. In addition to their research, Senior Investigators will give new leadership to the NIHR Faculty, expert advice to the Director of the NIHR, act as NIHR ambassadors and promote clinical and applied people-focused research in health and social care.

The NIHR Senior Investigators, who feature in the directory published today, lead some of the most prestigious applied health and social care research projects in the country. The importance of their work has been highlighted by the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said:

"I want Britain to lead the world in beating the diseases which cause such heartbreak for families. Over the last few years we have made major breakthroughs in research relevant to cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and strokes and many more - but these have yet to be turned into treatments from which we can all benefit. So let me tell you today that the unprecedented £15 billion we are investing in medical research will be directed to turning the major advances of the past few years into actual treatments and cures for NHS patients."

The research led by the NIHR Senior Investigators targets significant health issues which affect large numbers of the UK population. These include cancer, mental health, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Professor Sally C. Davies, Director General of Research and Development at the Department of Health said:

"The NIHR wants to support and encourage the people who are leading clinical and applied health research that is of direct relevance to the needs of the people of this country".

Today's announcement is in line with the National Ambition for Translational Health Research - the ability to make research move forward into excellent health practice. The UK is widely regarded as having some of the strongest basic medical research in the world. It generates 13.7 per cent of world citations, second only to the US and has thriving research communities in the private and university sectors.

The ways of ensuring that this happens are:

* A greater strategic focus - to ensure coordination of the government health research strategy, communicate the UK's National Ambitions, and encourage a stronger partnership between Government, health industries and charities.

* A research focused NHS - key steps in implementing this have included setting up NIHR clinical research networks to support clinical trials throughout England, and promote patient and public involvement in health research.

* Cross-government support - the government has established a cross-cutting PSA (public service agreement) to "promote world class science and innovation in the UK" and set up (in 2002) Research Councils UK (RCUK), a strategic partnership of the UK's seven Research Councils.

Notes to editors

1. The NIHR Senior Investigator Directory can be viewed at:

2. About NIHR - The National Institute for Health Research provides the framework through which the research staff and research infrastructure of the NHS in England is positioned, maintained and managed as a national research facility. The NIHR provides the NHS with the support and infrastructure it needs to conduct first-class research funded by the Government and its partners alongside high-quality patient care, education and training. Its aim is to support outstanding individuals (both leaders and collaborators), working in world class facilities (both NHS and university), conducting leading edge research focused on the needs of patients.

3. The successful applicants were selected in an open competition by an international panel of experts.

4. For any media enquiries, please call the Department of Health Newsdesk on 020 7210 5221

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