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Child in the countryside: a challenging reality

Yesterday ‘Child in the countryside: challenging reality’ was published, an information sheet to extend and develop understanding of the picture for children and young people in rural England.

The statistics highlighted in the document are set in context and bought to life through evidence from service providers, parents and children. The evidence will be of importance to a wide range of policy makers and organisations commissioning and delivering to children and young people in rural communities. The information provided will, we hope, prompt and assist decision-makers to engage positively with rural communities to ensure equitable access to important services.

Sarah McAdam, our Chief Executive said: “The countryside is typically considered to provide a safe and healthy environment for children, but for vulnerable families there are real challenges to be faced. Rural poverty is rising. Children and young people in low income rural households can experience considerable isolation and more limited choices when it comes to education, training and future employment.

‘Child in the Countryside’ seeks to raise awareness of what life can be like for rural children and young people. Many of the issues covered are not exclusive to rural areas, but it is important that policy makers and those who commission services have an accurate, rather than a stereotypical, picture of the needs of rural children. Delivery arrangements may well need to be adjusted to take account of the different character of rural areas, but the objective should always be to ensure equitable access to key services.”

Download Child in the countryside: a challenging reality

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