HM Revenue and Customs
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Don't miss penalties podcast

Don't miss penalties podcast

HM REVENUE AND CUSTOMS News Release (Ref:SPEC 10/08) issued by The Government News Network on 1 September 2008

HMRC has launched its latest podcasts for agents, on the new penalty regime and HMRC's services for agents.

In the podcast, Brian Redford, Director of HMRC's Agents & Employers Service Improvement Programme (AESIP) discusses 'reasonable care' and what practical help is available for agents on the new penalty regime for incorrect returns. He also talks honestly about HMRC's services for agents, and how his team are working to improve them.

The podcast can be downloaded for free from HMRC's podcast page at

Further information on the new penalties regime, including guidance and FAQs, can be found on the HMRC website at

Issued by HM Revenue & Customs Press Office


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