Cabinet Office
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New official statistics show resurgence in volunteering as millions more give their time to help others

  • 9 percentage point increase in regular volunteering
  • 84% of people are satisfied with their local area
  • Nearly half of people want to be involved in local decision making
  • More people report a very strong sense of belonging to Britain

New figures released yesterday show a sharp rise in volunteering and that people are actively coming together to drive improvements in their communities, Minister for Civil Society, Nick Hurd said yesterday.

The Official Statistics published for the first time by the Cabinet Office show that the proportion of people volunteering at least once a year has now increased from 65% in 2010-11 to 71% in 2012, with an even bigger increase in the proportion of people volunteering regularly. This equates to millions more people volunteering across the country – showing that the cultural change is not limited to the 120,000 who volunteered to make the Olympics a success. Significantly, this reverses the steady decline in volunteering seen since 2005.

Click here for full press release

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