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Digital Agenda: Tour operators and travel agents join '112' emergency number campaign

The European Commission and The European Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Associations (ECTAA) are asking tour operators, travel agents to promote the pan-European emergency number '112' on their websites, on e-tickets, and at major tourist destinations.

European Commission
Vice President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes said: "Transport companies are already helping raise awareness, now it's the turn of tour operators and agents to step up and help. European citizens should know that help is only one call away, wherever they are in the EU."

President of ECTAA, Mr. Boris Zgomba said: "ECTAA supports the Commission's campaign to raise awareness of the 112 emergency number. We are happy to be associated with this campaign, as a single emergency number applicable across the EU is of great benefit for travellers - our customers - who may not necessarily know which local number to dial in case of emergency when travelling outside of their home country."

Knowing the 112 number helps people in difficulty. For example, a group of Belgian scouts were lost in the woods around Ghioroc Village in Romania. One of them knew and phoned the 112 emergency number. The emergency operator determined the exact location of the group and alerted intervention agencies who found them. A member of the group suffered from hypothermic shock, but thanks to prompt reaction, the patient was saved.

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