Department of Health and Social Care
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Vulnerable older people’s plan: 1 week left to comment on proposals
Improving care for vulnerable older people - engagement exercise closes on 27 September 2013.
Over the summer, the department has been testing and seeking comments on a set of proposals that will be used to form a vulnerable older people’s plan.
The proposals set out improvements in primary care and urgent and emergency care to make sure vulnerable and elderly people have the support they need to keep them in better health and out of hospital. They also seek to establish ways for NHS and social care services to work together more effectively for the benefit of patients – in and out of hospital.
The department has received over 600 comments on the proposals from clinicians, commissioners, patients and carers and these will be used to shape and fine tune government policy.
The proposals centre on:
- appointing a single accountable clinician responsible for the overall management and review of a person’s health needs
- providing more integrated out-of-hospital and out of hours services
- establishing a stronger role for general practice, building on its existing strengths and the values of the family doctor
- finding new and effective ways to provide improved access and support for people to manage their own care
- enhanced information sharing between clinicians and services
- giving people more choice and control over where, when and how they receive health and care
The engagement site sets out the proposals, shows what others are saying and encourages comments on how they might work in practice.
The proposals were published on 5 July 2013 and are open for comments until Friday 27 September 2013.