Food Standards Agency
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GACS to hold open meeting

The General Advisory Committee on Science (GACS) is issuing an open invitation to its 12th meeting, which will be held in London on Tuesday 8 October 2013.

GACS provides independent challenge and advice on how the Food Standards Agency collects and uses scientific evidence.

At the meeting the committee will be discussing:

  • a report on high level challenge and assurance on FSA’s use of science
  • a report on FSA's science activities, plans and papers in the Scientific Advisory Committees
  • presentations on the FSA’s intelligence hub and from the Chair of the Committee on Mutagenicity
  • reports from working groups on data exploitation and the use of science in emergencies

The Committee will also consider a review of its work to date and future plans.

The proposed agenda can be found in the link below.

Meeting details

Date and time: 9.30am Tuesday 8 October 2013 (registration from 9.15am)
Address: Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London WC2B 6NH
Booking: Admission is free, but advance booking is necessary.

Contact Paul Hamilton in the GACS Secretariat at: (quoting 'GACS' in the subject line), or on 020 7276 8188, to book a place.

The closing date for bookings is Friday 4 October.

Submit a question

The committee is keen to hear views on its work and it is inviting comments and questions in advance of the meeting. If you would like to submit a question or comment, please email the GACS Secretariat at: (quoting 'GACS' in the subject line).

The deadline for questions is 4 October. Please note, the committee cannot guarantee to respond to all questions.

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