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Work begins on new pool & gym for injured troops

Work begins on new pool & gym for injured troops

MINISTRY OF DEFENCE News Release (271/2008) issued by COI News Distribution Service. 11 December 2008

Help for Heroes Chief Executive Bryn Parry and Defence Secretary John Hutton today cut the turf for a new swimming pool and gym complex for injured troops at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Headley Court.

Military charity Help for Heroes was founded last year and has been raising funds for the new swimming pool complex. Today's turf cutting marks the start of work to prepare the ground for the build, which will also include gym facilities and a research and assessment centre.

Help for Heroes Chief Executive, Bryn Parry, said:

"I am delighted that work can now begin on this project and we are assured that this will be a superb addition to the excellent facilities at Headley Court; a legacy to the nation. Help for Heroes is very simple and is based on the idea that we, the people of this country, have a deep affection and admiration for our armed forces. We understand that while we cannot prevent servicemen and women being wounded, we can help them get better.

"Hundreds of thousands of ordinary members of the public have raised this money and Royalty, celebrities and the media have supported us in our efforts. This has been a demonstration by donation from people who have chosen to 'do their bit' for our servicemen and women; it has been inspirational. Our work does not stop here; this is the first of many such projects that will help support our wounded boys and girls, so please keep fundraising and we will continue to help our heroes."

Secretary of State for Defence, John Hutton, said:

"This new swimming pool and gym complex will be of huge benefit to the rehabilitation of servicemen and women in future years. We are enormously grateful to Help for Heroes and the many thousands of people who have raised money to help to get this project started. We are working closely with the charity on a joint project which combines charitable and public funding. This will enhance the excellent facilities we have at Headley Court and help our staff carry out their fantastic work with our wounded personnel. Help for Heroes is enabling people to show their appreciation of the work of the armed forces in a practical way and their efforts have my full support."

Help for Heroes have raised £8million towards the building of the swimming pool and gym complex. In addition to this the MoD will also provide several million pounds and future running costs. The complex will be completed in the next few years.

Notes to Editors

1. Help for Heroes was launched in October of 2007 by Bryn and Emma Parry together with a group of friends and relations. The charity has raised funds, nearly £15million to date, through a range of large-scale events, including a Rugby Challenge Match involving Rugby Union stars and Service personnel playing in front of a sell-out Twickenham crowd, proceeds from the X-Factor 'Hero' single, and a bike ride visiting significant battlefield sites in France. For more information about Help For Heroes, visit their website

2. Headley Court is the MoD's premier facility for the rehabilitation of injured Service personnel. Its main purpose is to provide rehabilitation for complex injuries, including amputees and brain-injured patients. It also houses a dedicated Amputee Unit for Service personnel who have suffered amputations, which provides world-class prosthetics and adaptations, manufactured on site and individually tailored as necessary to the specific patient.

3. The MoD announced £24million of additional funding for Headley Court for key enhancements in May 2008. The upgrade will include an expanded prosthetics facility and enhanced treatment areas.

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