Department of Health and Social Care
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Local accountability will drive better dementia services

Local accountability will drive better dementia services

News Release issued by the COI News Distribution Service on 28 September 2010

Local organisations will be held to account and expected to publish how they are providing quality care for people with dementia, Care Service Minister Paul Burstow announced today.

The plans, which are part of the revised Dementia Strategy Implementation Plan, aim to ensure people with dementia get the best care.

The new implementation plan sets out the Coalition Government’s focus on outcomes, and identifies four priorities:

- Good-quality early diagnosis and intervention for all;
- Improved quality of care in general hospitals;
- Living well with dementia in care homes; and
- Reduced the use of antipsychotic medication.

Paul Burstow said: "Dementia is one of the most important issues that we face as our population ages.

"We spend £8.2 billion a year caring for those affected. In this tough economic climate, we must be realistic. "It's not about extra resources but how we can think smarter using the resources we already have."

"The Implementation Plan reflects the Coalition Government’s priorities. It’s about getting resource to the people that need them rather than tied up in backroom bureaucracy. Local organisations will be expected to publish how they are delivering on quality outcomes so that they can be held to account by local people."

Alzheimer’s Society Interim Chief Executive Ruth Sutherland said: "This plan is an exciting opportunity to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. It fully recognises the dementia crisis facing us today and signals that dementia must be made a priority. We now need to put these plans into action.

"Investing sensibly in dementia now will improve people’s lives and could potentially save hundreds of millions of pounds. As a million people develop dementia in the next ten years everyone has a role to play."

Notes to Editors

For further information contact the Department of Health press office on: 020 7210 5221.

A copy of the revised Strategy Implementation Plan can be found at:


Department of Health
Phone: 020 7210 5221

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