Institute for Learning
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IfL reminds members to declare CPD by the end of August

The Institute for Learning (IfL), the independent professional body for teachers and trainers throughout the further education and skills sector, is reminding members of the need to make their annual continuing professional development (CPD) declaration by 31 August 2010.

Toni Fazaeli, IfL's chief executive, said, "Teachers and trainers decide on and drive their own CPD. They determine their priorities for developing their dual professionalism of being experts and up to date in their subject or vocational area and in their teaching and training methods, including the use of new technologies. A strong commitment to CPD that makes a difference and develops practice is the hallmark of being professional. Teachers and trainers design their CPD so it has a positive impact on the learner experience and on learners' success. CPD learning can be formal or informal, including reading and reflecting on practice; mentoring or being mentored; and usually extends beyond courses, workshops and study.

"The nation depends on further education and skills teachers and trainers being, as Chris Humphries, the chief executive of the UK Commission for Skills and Employment described them, ‘trailblazers for industry, not trailing industry’. CPD helps ensure that IfL members are leading edge in their field as they prepare this and future generations for work and the creation of new businesses. Good teaching also builds young people’s and adults’ personal capacities and strengthens communities.

"Last year, an overwhelming 98 per cent of IfL members who declared their CPD had exceeded the minimum number of hours required, which is 30 a year for full-time teachers and trainers, prorated for those who work part-time. This was a clear demonstration of our members' commitment to developing their own practice, in spite of the time constraints and other difficulties that many face, for the benefit of their learners.

"I very much look forward to learning about some of the innovative ways in which our members have been using CPD this year to improve their teaching and training, and how they have been sharing their effective practice with fellow IfL members in their own organisations and outside.

Dr Jean Kelly, director of professional development at IfL, said, "Members can declare their CPD hours using the quick and easy online self-declaration form at Those who have already recorded their CPD using REfLECT – the online, personal learning space provided by IfL as a benefit for all our members to review and record their CPD – can log into REfLECT, select 'CPD declaration' and simply follow the instructions.

"All members have to do is declare their CPD hours and provide a few brief details. They do not need to send in evidence of their CPD unless IfL contacts them as part of its sample."


Further information about CPD is available on the IfL website at

IfL's 2008-09 review of CPD may be downloaded in PDF format.

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