Department for Transport
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Go-ahead for local residents' discount on Dartford-Thurrock river crossing
Residents of Dartford and Thurrock will benefit from discounts at the Dartford Crossing, Transport Minister Rosie Winterton confirmed today.
Under the discount scheme local residents will be entitled to 50 free crossings per year on payment of a £10 annual administration fee. Thereafter crossings will cost 20p each. The go-ahead follows a public consultation on the discount scheme.
Rosie Winterton said:
"Local people made a strong case for a discount and we have listened. We will introduce the local discount alongside the new charging regime for all vehicles in the autumn.
"This local discount scheme is for residents of Dartford and Thurrock. But anyone - regardless of where they live - can benefit from a 50p reduction on the new cash charges for cars simply by paying with a Dart-TAG"
To benefit from the local discount, residents will need to register annually and apply for an electronic "tag" to be displayed in their car's windscreen. The annual registration fee will be £10, the same local discount registration fee as the London Congestion charge. The discount will be available for private cars only.
Separate discounts are available to anyone who chooses to pay using a "DART-Tag". Car drivers with a "DART-Tag" will be able to use the crossing for £1, whereas those paying cash will in future pay £1.50.
Notes to Editors
1. The Dartford Crossing has brought huge benefits and opportunities to that part of the Thames Estuary but it has also brought a lot of through traffic into the area, with some specific locations experiencing air quality problems. In recognition of this impact, the Government has in recent years made available a proportion of revenues from the Crossing to the Dartford and Thurrock local authority areas. The Government will provide the discounts announced today as an alternative to this funding.
2. In December 2006 the Department consulted on proposed changes to charges for use of the Dartford Crossing to address continuing congestion pressures. The proposals were to tailor charges better to the conditions at the Crossing, including raising cash charges to £1.50 for cars in the daytime and removing charges altogether at night when traffic flows more freely.
3. In response to that consultation exercise there were calls to introduce a discount scheme for local residents. The Government announced that it would develop a discount scheme for consultation, whilst going ahead with the proposed increases. A consultation on the local discount scheme on 16 February 2008, and it closed on 16 May 2008. 67 responses were received.
4. The Government is today publishing a summary of responses and conclusions following the consultation exercise. The Government has concluded that the scheme should be implemented as proposed, subject to introducing some flexibility over the requirement for an initial sum to be credited to accounts. This will be recommended rather than required. The key proposals relating to eligibility, the annual administration fee, entitlement to 50 free journeys, and journeys charged at 20p thereafter, are confirmed.
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Department for Transport