HM Revenue and Customs
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Online sellers have just one week to register for tax opportunity
People trading on the internet who haven’t paid all the tax they owe have one week left to take part in an opportunity offered by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to get their tax affairs in order on the best terms available.
Under the time-limited opportunity, known as the e-Markets
Disclosure Facility, online marketplace traders who come forward
between now and 14 June to register their intention to take part
in the campaign can benefit from lower penalties than those who
HMRC catches up with.
The campaign is aimed at people using online marketplaces to
buy and sell goods as a trade or a business and who are not up to
date with their taxes. People who sell only a few personal items,
however, and who are not traders are unlikely to be liable to pay
tax on what they sell, and are not being targeted by this
Those who are unsure whether their e-marketplace activity
could be seen as trading can visit HMRC’s website (
and can watch a YouTube video for advice (
Marian Wilson, head of HMRC Campaigns, said:
“We want to make it easy for online marketplace traders to
contact us and register their intention to take part in the
campaign. If you owe tax and don't get in contact, do not
assume that HMRC will not catch up with you soon. It’s better to
come to us before we come to you.”
Last month, HMRC wrote to more than 30,000 people trading on
the internet to let them know about the e-Markets Disclosure
Facility. Additional information, from a wide range of sources, on
more than 100,000 people is currently being assessed. After the 14
June deadline, HMRC will begin contacting online traders who did
not come forward if the department believes they owe tax.
Penalties of up to 100 per cent of the tax owed, or even a
criminal investigation, could follow.
People who make a full disclosure:
will be offered a simple and straightforward way to put their tax affairs right
may not be charged a penalty at all, with most receiving a penalty of no more than 10 per cent of the tax they owe.
More than £510 million has been raised by HMRC from voluntary
disclosures during campaigns, and a further £125 million from
follow-up activity. There have been more than 18,000
investigations, with a further 4,600 still ongoing.
Campaigns launched so far have targeted offshore investments,
medical professionals, plumbers, VAT defaulters, coaches and
tutors, and electricians.
Notes to editors To come forward under the e-Markets
Disclosure Facility, online sellers must notify HMRC by 14 June.
They then have until 14 September to give details of the tax owed
and arrange for full payment, including any interest and penalty
To let HMRC know of the intention to make a voluntary
disclosure, online sellers can:
Use the forms on HMRC’s website at:
Phone HMRC on 0845 601 2944 with details such as: name, address, National Insurance number, telephone number, date of birth and Unique Taxpayer Reference
The terms being made available during this window are in line
with those HMRC offers for any full and accurate unprompted
voluntary disclosure of tax liabilities.
Further information on HMRC campaigns:
Follow HMRC on Twitter @HMRCgovuk
Issued by HM Revenue & Customs Press Office
Press enquiries only please contact:
HM Revenue & Customs
Andrew Bennett
Phone: 020 7147 0051
Sara Pont
Phone: 020 7147 0394
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Phone: 07860 359544