Scottish Government
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Regulators reward good business practice

Businesses reaping benefits of better regulations.

In a consultation published today, regulators will be encouraged to help grow the economy and create jobs by adopting good practice and successful initiatives from across Scotland.

The consultation on the Scottish Regulators’ Strategic Code of Practice seeks views on the scope and content of the draft code. It recognises that good regulators seek to understand those they regulate and that regulatory functions are carried out in a way that is transparent, accountable, proportionate, consistent and targeted.

One example of best practice in business regulation is in West Dunbartonshire where the Council changed their procedures for testing vehicles. Previously, taxi vehicles were inspected and tested to a set timeframe, based on the age of the car. However, in an effort to reduce administrative costs and reward drivers who maintain their vehicles properly, if no major failures were found, the test frequency was reduced.

Mr Ewing said:

“Better regulation has an important role to play in making Scotland a more successful country and providing a favourable business environment in which companies can grow and flourish. Many regulators across the country already do great work to support businesses. We are committed to making sure this Strategic Code is implemented fully and is effective to ensure best practice is developed and applied throughout Scotland.

“This draft Code of Practice, developed by a working group of regulators and business representatives, was originally suggested as a useful tool by respondents to an earlier consultation on better regulation. The concept was welcomed, in principle, by businesses, local authorities and by members of the various Parliamentary Committees responsible for reviewing the Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Bill.

“Businesses are already benefiting from less burdensome regulations, but we want to do even more to make Scotland the best place to do business in Europe.

“I encourage all those with an interest to respond to the consultation and make their views heard.”

Susan Love, the Federation of Small Businesses' policy manager in Scotland, said:

"Smart regulation can deliver for both businesses and the public. This consultation should help get the balance of red tape right - more time spent chasing cowboys and a more supportive approach for small firms trying to do the right thing.

“Further, encouraging regulators to co-operate should save the taxpayer money while minimising disruption to business."

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