Lifelong Learning UK
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Career Development NOS – Your chance to tell us what you think

Our online review of the draft National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Career Development roles is now open.  This new set of NOS covers a broad range of roles, including: career and educational information advice and guidance; and employability support within the lifelong learning sector.

NOS are practical resource tools with the ability to support staff at every level of the workforce. They can be used to support the full range of human resource development activities including performance management, training and development, and recruitment and selection. Long term benefits include increased effectiveness, reduced workloads, and a reduction in resource expenditure.

We are keen to gather feedback from those working in the sector to ensure the new NOS are fit-for-purpose for use across the UK.

Ways to get involved:

Online feedback form
Click here to provide feedback on definition, key purpose and values, occupational roles, functions and the draft NOS. This online form is easy to use and will allow you to choose which sections and NOS you would like to provide feedback on.  If you have any questions about this please contact

Send us job descriptions
You can also help by providing job descriptions, person specifications or other information on relevant jobs or job roles.
Follow this link to submit this information.

Review events
There are still places available at our focus group events in the following locations: Bangor, Leeds, Belfast and Edinburgh. 
Please click here for further details.

Host your own review event
If you would like to discuss the draft NOS with your colleagues and send us the feedback,
click here to find out more.

If you have any questions about the draft NOS or about the review process please get in touch with us at



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