Welsh Government
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Assembly Government publishes road and rail noise maps

A series of maps showing environmental noise on the major roads and railways in Wales as well as noise from transport and industry in two large urban areas has been published by the Welsh Assembly Government recently.

The mapping, carried out during 2006-07 in line with the EU’s Environmental Noise Directive, gives details of overall and night time noise.  The aim of the Environmental Noise Directive is to define a common approach to environmental noise issues across the European Union. This will be achieved by determining the noise exposure of the population through noise mapping, making information available to the public and reducing noise levels where necessary, and to preserving environmental noise quality where it is good. The maps are posted on the Welsh Assembly Government website and will enable the public to view their local area.

Minister for the Environment, Sustainability and Housing Jane Davidson said:

I am pleased to announce the release of strategic noise maps for Wales covering the urban areas of Cardiff and Swansea-Neath Port Talbot and the major transport networks. Environmental noise can be of great concern for many people, particularly noise from transport.

The publication of the noise maps is the first step towards highlighting the importance of tackling excessive noise and making Wales a quieter place. Excessive noise can be deeply annoying for all concerned, and can have serious side-effects, not least sleep deprivation.

The noise maps published today are the result of one of the biggest IT projects in Wales. The mapping exercise for the two urban areas alone required the production of noise level maps across an area totalling approximately 156 km2.

The maps will be used to draw up action plans to address the noise climate for major roads and railways as well as in urban areas. The action plans will include descriptions of the measures that will be taken to reduce environmental noise and to help protect quiet areas from an increase in noise.

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