Scottish Government
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Online flu seminar

Help to enable Scottish businesses prepare for the impacts of swine flu will be offered through an innovative, free-to-access, online seminar.

Scotland is now experiencing a second wave of pandemic flu.

Join the online flu seminar

on Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 12.30 pm.

While forecasts for the numbers of people likely to become ill have been revised downwards, businesses are still likely to experience disruption to services and supply chains, as well as potential losses in revenue as a result of higher than average staff absences.

That is why the Scottish Government is working with all the major business organisations to provide guidance on sensible measures to maintain business continuity, to be made available online on Thursday, November 12.

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth John Swinney said:

"While recently published UK-wide planning assumptions for the next seven months have been revised downwards, the estimates of the proportion of the population who might become ill at any one time are still significant and every business should have plans in place.

"This is not a time to be complacent. Patterns of infection spread could still change, with hot spots resulting in higher than average staff absences in local areas with a knock-on impact on business.

"The on-line seminar session will communicate key pandemic flu preparedness information which will be of particular benefit to smaller and micro-businesses who may not be getting information through other channels.

"We would encourage firms of all sizes to participate in this event and benefit from free advice to maintain a healthy business."

We all have a responsibility to limit the spread of disease, reducing the risk within the workplace and perhaps reducing the numbers of staff off at one time. You can do so by encouraging all staff to practice good hygiene measures such as regular hand washing.

The seminar will take place at 12:30 on Thursday, November 12 2009

The seminar will consist of a short presentation and an online Q&A session led by David Hutcheson representing the Institute of Directors (Scotland) and the Business Continuity Institute.

To join the seminar, log on to from any computer, ideally five or ten minutes beforehand.

The online seminar will be recorded and placed on Scottish Government, Business Gateway and business organisations' websites, ensuring that the guidance continues to be available to businesses across Scotland.

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