Valuation Office Agency
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VOA's English Telephone Switchboard

Recent telephony problems have required the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) to implement a revised and temporary process for our customers calling the VOA's English switchboard number 03000 501501. We are answering calls within an average of 1 minute and if our customers need to speak to someone in one of our valuation teams, we are ensuring that they receive a call back within 24 hours.

We thank you for your patience. We are continuing to press our IT supplier to find a permanent resolution to this issue as soon as possible; which will allow us to route calls from our switchboard directly to our valuation teams.

You can still get hold of us quickly and easily by simply sending an email directly to your local office, who will be able to help you with your query.

To find out what your local office email address is please use the contact page, however, please be aware that the telephone number displayed is subject to the same constraints.

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