Welsh Government
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Funding to help older people to stay in their own homes

Care & Repair services across Wales have been awarded £4.67m funding from the Welsh Government to help older people to remain in their own homes.

The service helps older people to repair, improve and adapt their homes to enable them to continue living comfortably and independently by offering a range of services including:

  • co-ordination of all the services needed to successfully complete the work
  • advice about housing options
  • provision of direct in-house fast-track solutions, often through Care & Repair handyman services

Announcing the funding, the Minister for Housing Regeneration and Heritage Huw Lewis said:

"Care & Repair provides a valuable service which allows vulnerable older people across Wales to continue living safely and independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Simple adaptations to a person's home, such as grab rails or adding improved steps can have a huge impact on their quality of life.

"Recent research has shown that every £1 spent on Care & Repair saves the tax payer £7.50 in NHS and Social Care costs, so spending money on services like this also makes financial sense, especially in these difficult times."

The Minister added:

"The Welsh Government remains committed to improving the lives of older people by ensuring that they are able to live independently for as long as they choose. People are living longer and should also be able to enjoy a decent quality of life. This funding also helps older people return to their own homes sooner after spending time in hospital and is an example of how the Welsh Government is working to improve the care for patients and tackle delayed transfers of care."

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