The National Lottery Community Fund
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Fife care leavers benefit from life changing funding
The Big Lottery Fund today (WED 5 DEC) announces its latest package of funding worth over £1.5million to five projects across Scotland.
Aberlour Child Care Trust’s LifeWorks Fife project receives over £600,000 from the Investing in Communities portfolio.
Big Lottery Fund Scotland Chair, Maureen McGinn, said: “Our Investing in Communities programme tackles need and addresses inequalities. I am delighted to announce these awards for very different projects across Scotland that share a common aim – to help vulnerable people move towards happier and healthier lives. There are approximately 16,000 looked after children in Scotland who deserve to be supported and looked after when they leave care. So I am very pleased that today’s grant means Aberlour Child Care Trust’s LifeWorks Fife project will be able to expand their work with care leavers in Fife.”
Aberlour Childcare Trust's `LifeWorks Fife: successful transitions to independent living for care leavers' project has received a grant today for £611,415. The project will support young people from the age of 14 onwards prepare for their life after care, by providing a trusted volunteer to work with them as a befriender or mentor. This is something the young care leavers have asked for themselves as they often lack relationships with adults who are not in paid professional roles. The project will run over five years and work with up to 150 care leavers. It will expand the work of Aberlour’s existing through care service in Fife, providing support tailored to each individual’s needs.
Jackie Hothersall, Director of Children and Families Services, Aberlour Child Care Trust, said, “Thanks to the generous support of Big Lottery Fund Scotland, Aberlour, in partnership with Fife Council, is going to create the Aberlour Lifeworks Service. We want to ensure that all young people have the support they need when preparing to live independently. This transition can be particularly challenging for young people who have experienced childhood trauma and/or neglect.
“This group of young people may have spent time in local authority care and are often faced with the challenges of independence early in their adult lives. Aberlour Lifeworks will provide young people with the support they need to prepare for, and cope with, the day to day challenges of independent living. The project will empower access to learning and employment through a network of support.”
“The grant from the Big Lottery Fund is wonderful news, and provides Aberlour and Fife Council with a great opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of young people.”
Today’s funding is part of a package of five Big Lottery Fund Scotland, Investing in Community grants totalling £1,664,053 million.
Further Information
Frances Chisholm, Press Team Scotland: 0141 242 1458
Public Enquiries Line: 0300 123 7110
Text phone: 0845 6021 659
Full details of the Big Lottery Fund programmes and grant awards are available on the website:
Notes for Editors
• The Big Lottery Fund (BIG), the largest distributor of National Lottery good cause funding, is responsible for giving out 40% of the money raised for good causes by the National Lottery.
• BIG is committed to bringing real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need and has been rolling out grants to health, education, environment and charitable causes across the UK since June 2004. The Fund was formally established by Parliament on 1 December 2006.
• Since the National Lottery began in 1994, 28p from every pound spent by the public has gone to good causes. As a result, over £25 billion over £28 billion has now been raised and more than 383,000 grants awarded across arts, sport, heritage, charities, health, education and the environment.
• The Scotland Committee has been making Big Lottery Fund decisions on Scottish projects since March 2007. As well as taking devolved decisions on Lottery spending, the Committee, led by Chair, Maureen McGinn, has and will continue to play a strategic role in the future direction of BIG in Scotland.
• The Big Lottery Fund is investing in Scotland’s communities through its Investing in Communities portfolio, as well as the small grants schemes Awards for All, Investing in Ideas, Communities and Families and 2014 Communities.