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New hotline for carers launched

New hotline for carers launched

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH News Release issued by COI News Distribution Service on 10 June 2009

Carers Strategy One Year On - More Help For Carers

A one-stop information and advice service for the unsung army of carers who look after ill, frail or disabled friends and relatives was officially launched today by Care Services Minister Phil Hope.

The Carers Direct hotline will make England's 5 million carers' lives easier and reduce the time and stress of searching out essential advice.

Funded by £2.8 million a year, Carers Direct includes:

* Details of support available, including assessments, benefits, direct payments, individual budgets and time off.
* Help to maintain, leave or return to employment
* Help in education or training.
* Advice on how carers maintain or improve their social and emotional well-being and their physical and mental health.
* Access to health and social care for the person being cared for.
* How to access information about, and support from, health and social care services for the person being cared for.

The launch comes on the one-year anniversary of the publication of the Government's Carers Strategy. Since last year carers are being given more planned breaks and better information about their rights and the support available to them. Later this year, they will also receive more support to get or return to work.

Speaking at the launch of Carers Direct in Islington, Care Services Minister Phil Hope said:

"I know that carers' lives are often made unnecessarily difficult if they have to struggle to find the information, advice and support they need. I hope Carers Direct will put this right.

"I have huge respect and admiration for the 5 million carers in England, who do fantastic work every day. The Carers Strategy has already gone a long way to better support carers, but there is still a lot of work to do."

Jonathan Shaw, Minister for Disabled People, at the event said:

"The Government wants to make sure carers get the help and support they need to overcome their barriers to work, fulfil their potential and build a better life for themselves and their families.

"The Carers Direct helpline will work hand in hand with our own information on the DirectGov website to ensure carers are given the help and support they need."

Carers Direct is complemented by Caring with Confidence ( a training course available to carers face-to-face, online and by distance learning. Caring with Confidence inform carers of their rights, the services available to them and networks which might support them. The Department of Health is investing around £4.6 million a year into Caring with Confidence.

Other initiatives from the Carers Strategy being developed include:

* piloting a 'return-to-work' training entitlement of up to £500 for those who undertake more than five years of caring responsibilities, helping them to get the skills they need to get back into the labour market;
* enabling Jobcentre Plus to provide a range of new services to carers, such as better training for advisors on awareness of carers needs and displaying more information on vacancies offering flexible working;
* demonstrator sites to explore ways that local authorities and PCTs can help carers better by:
- providing more breaks for carers
- offering regular physical and mental health and wellbeing checks for carers
- supporting carers more effectively through the NHS, for example, by ensuring that the NHS considers carers' needs when booking and holding GP and hospital appointments
* helping local areas develop better support around families to protect young carers from excessive and harmful caring roles, and strengthening awareness and support for young carers across schools and among GPs.

Notes to editors:

1. Carers Direct comprises a website ( and 7 days a week helpline (freephone 0808 802 0202, email and post).

2. Underpinned by £255 million, the Carers Strategy included £150 million investment in planned breaks for carers; up to £38 million towards supporting carers to enter or re-enter the job market with more guidance for employers, and more flexible and accessible skills training for carers; and £6 million towards improving support for young carers.

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