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Looking for a summer job, internship or voluntary placement?

Are you planning to get a job, internship or volunteering placement this summer? If so, Directgov can help. Thousands of jobs, volunteering and work experience placements are listed on Directgov – spend just 15 minutes searching and see what you can find.

Find a summer job

Find a job now

Search thousands of jobs listed on Directgov

As well as letting you earn money, the right summer job can help you get your foot on the career ladder.

If you haven’t already got a job lined up for the summer, don’t worry – it’s not too late.

Thousands of vacancies are listed on Directgov. You can search for jobs by title, location or category. You can also find voluntary work which can help you develop and learn new skills while you're looking for a job.

Spend just 15 minutes looking – you never know what you’ll find.

Tax on your earnings

As long as your earnings for the year are less than the personal allowance of £7,475, you don’t have to pay any tax on the money you make.

To make sure you aren’t taxed, download and complete a form P38(S) by following the first link below.

If you’ve already started work but haven’t filled out a form P38(S), you can reclaim any tax you’re owed by sending HMRC a form P50 – follow the second link below.

For further information on working while you study, follow the link below.

National Minimum Wage and employment rights

The National Minimum Wage doesn’t apply to all workers. For example, if you are under 21 you may get paid less.

Find out more about the National Minimum Wage and your employment rights.

Career planning

If you don’t know what sort of career you want, plenty of information and advice on planning a career is available on Directgov.

Student finance

Going to uni or college this autumn? Apply for student finance online

Job profiles - Next Step

Information on planning a career is also available on the Next Step website. It has over 750 job profiles, letting you know what each job involves and how to get into it.

You can also find tips on:

  • finding a job
  • CVs and covering letters
  • applications and interviews

Internships and volunteering

Internships and volunteering schemes are another way to gain valuable experience. While you usually won't be paid, you’ll learn new skills and will have something to put on your CV.

Graduate internships

If you have recently graduated from university, the Graduate Talent Pool has hundreds of available internships.

These internships can provide you with real-life work experience, let you try your hand at a possible career and prove yourself to a potential employer.

Work experience and volunteering

You don’t have to be a graduate to do work experience or volunteering – everyone can do it.

Find out more about work experience and volunteering, and how to find a placement, by following the links below.




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