Friday 11 Nov 2011 @ 10:20
Homeless Link
Homeless Link
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Homeless Link responds to DCLG on anti-social behaviour evictions
Homeless Link has called on the Department of Communities and Local Government to rethink its proposals to make it easier to evict tenants for anti-social behaviour.
In a consultation that closed yesterday, Government proposed new powers that will enable landlords to evict a tenant who has received an anti-social behaviour order without further court proceedings. Homeless Link is concerned that such a power may impact disproportionately on vulnerably housed and excluded individuals and push them into homelessness.
Anti-social behaviour is a serious problem and we acknowledge the impact on victims – it is important that there are strong sanctions in place. However, in many cases anti-social behaviour is linked to poor living conditions and social inequality. Statistics relating to the recent riots in London indicated that a disproportionate number of those convicted of offences came from some of the most deprived communities in the country.
Making people homeless as a result of anti-social behaviour is, in the view of Homeless Link, likely to result in more problems for both the individual concerned and their communities.
The DCLG consultation proposes:
A new mandatory power of possession for tenants whose anti-social behaviour has been considered by a court: Under this proposal social landlords will be able to seek possession of a property if the tenant has breached an ASB sanction without having to go to court a second time.
That the existing ground for possession for all anti-social behaviour is broadened: Currently only activity perpetrated in an individual's neighbourhood can be used as grounds for possession. The DCLG propose that this is broadened to anywhere in the UK.
That a whole family can be removed from their home due to the acts of one member.
Responding to these proposals from the DCLG, we have called on them to:
build in a requirement that supportive interventions have been fully explored and used prior to possession being sought
recognise the serious impact on the individual and community of an individual losing their home and take action to avoid this happening
reconsider these proposals in relation to the Human Rights test of everyone being equal before the law.