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Domestic homicide reviews take effect
From today, local
areas should undertake new action to tackle domestic homicide
following any case where someone has been killed by their current
or former partner, Home Secretary Theresa May announced.
Approximately two people are killed by their current or former
partner each week in England and Wales. Domestic homicide reviews,
which come into effect today include local partners such as the
police, local authority, probation service, health service and
voluntary partners and have been established under Section 9 of
the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004).
Where a local area doesn't undertake a review, the
Secretary of State now has the power to direct a specific person
or body to establish or participate in a review. This will ensure
that lessons are learnt from each case and most importantly
prevent future violence and deaths. It will also help improve
local and national approaches to tackling domestic violence.
Home Secretary Theresa May said:
"From now on where someone has been killed by their
current or former partner, a review takes place so that lessons
can be learned to prevent future tragedies."
"Domestic violence is a dreadful form of abuse -
with some victims suffering for years at the hands of an abusive
partner - this is one of the many actions we are taking forwards
to help end violence against women."
Association of Chief Police Officers lead on domestic abuse,
Chief Constable Carmel Napier, said:
"The police service is acutely aware of the issue of
protecting women from violence. Improving knowledge of serial
perpetrators and strengthening our strategies and tactics against
them will mean the police can be more effective in keeping victims
safe. Our first duty is, and remains, the protection of
"It's crucial that all agencies
learn the lessons from the most serious cases and these reviews
will help to ensure that police, health, social services and
probation are best placed to learn critical lessons, plug gaps in
service and work to prevent future victims from coming into harm."
Frank Mullane, Co-ordinator, Action After Fatal Domestic
Abuse (AAFDA) said:
"AAFDA welcomes domestic violence homicide reviews
becoming law this week. We have been campaigning for these reviews
for some time and have been closely involved in developing the
guidance and writing leaflets for use by families and friends and
members of the community faced with these horrific tragedies.
"These reviews will yield meaningful changes if
professionals embrace them fearlessly and creatively. That
includes inviting families, friends, domestic violence advocates
and other community members to play a full role in the enquiry. It
is by seeing these tragedies through the eyes of victims that we
will begin to understand their lives and the choices and decisions
they made often under great duress. Only then will we be likely to
design the services that enable individuals, mostly women, to find
ways out of abuse to long term safety.
Deborah McIlveen, Policy and Services Manager,
Women's Aid said:
"Women's Aid welcomes the government
commitment to review homicides in cases of domestic violence - it
is vital that lessons are learned from domestic homicides and used
to protect vulnerable women and children in the future.
Women's Aid also supports the continuing work by the
Crown Prosecution Service to prosecute perpetrators of domestic
violence and all forms of violence against women whilst
prioritising the safety of victims and their children."
Sandra Horley CBE, chief executive of national domestic
violence charity Refuge, said:
"Refuge is delighted that all domestic violence
homicides will now be subject to a thorough review. Two women a
week are killed by current or former partners in England and
Wales. Far too many of these deaths are predictable and
preventable. These reviews will ensure that
every single one
of these cases receives the attention they deserve.
"When a homicide case is reviewed, all agencies that
the woman had contact with - for example, police, probation,
health and social services - will have an opportunity to learn
lessons about their handling of domestic violence cases and make
changes that could save lives.
"However, homicide reviews will only truly be
effective if the lessons learned result in real change in practice
on the ground level. And this will not happen without sufficient
funding. But with every homicide costing the state £1million,
reducing the domestic homicide rate not only makes moral sense,
but clear financial sense too."
Notes to editors
1. In 2009/10 there were 94 female and 21 male victims of
homicide who had been killed by a current or former partner
(source: Homicide Index; as published in Table 1.05 of
'Homicides, Firearm Offences and Intimate Violence
2009/10', available at: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/science-research-statistics/research-statistics/crime-research/hosb0111/hosb0111?view=Binary).
2. The expectation for local areas to undertake a
multi-agency review following a domestic violence homicide, and
the provision to allow a Secretary of State in particular cases to
direct that a specified person or body establishes or participates
in a review can be found in Section 9 of the Domestic Violence
Crime and Victims Act (2004). To view statutory guidance visit www.homeoffice.gov.uk/vawg.
3. The government recently launched an action plan for
tackling violence against women and girls on International
Women's Day 2011. It includes detailed plans for tackling
domestic violence including:
* a campaign to challenge
attitudes of abuse within teenage relationships;
* more
training for frontline professionals on identifying violence
against women;
* and support for people on spousal visas who
are forced to flee their relationship because of domestic abuse.
This follows the Home Office's announcement of £28
million of funding on a stable basis until 2015 for tackling
violence against women and girls and the Ministry of Justice
announcement of more than £10.5 million of funding over three
years for rape crisis services.
4. To view the 'Call to End Violence Against Women
and Girls - Action Plan' visit www.homeoffice.gov.uk/vawg.
5. The British Crime Survey reports that every year more than
one million women experience domestic abuse and one in four women
will be affected by domestic abuse. More than 300,000 women are
sexually assaulted and 60,000 women raped; and more than one in
twenty women will be stalked.
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