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£4 million boost for museums across England - polar bears, dinosaurs, historic dogs and rare violins to benefit

£4 million boost for museums across England - polar bears, dinosaurs, historic dogs and rare violins to benefit

DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT News Release (99/07) issued by The Government News Network on 30 August 2007

Forty-three museums and galleries in England will benefit from grants totalling £4 million, Culture Minister Margaret Hodge announced today. Provided jointly by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Wolfson Foundation, the grants will help improve the quality of museum displays and the visitor experience.

This year's grants go to an imaginative array of projects aimed to improve access and understanding of our cultural heritage, including:
* A room makeover for Leicester's dinosaurs
* Improved access to internationally significant collection including eighty-eight stuffed domestic dogs, which illustrate the impact of selective breeding - Natural History Museum at Tring
* Redisplay of the rare Amati violin - Cumbria
* Conservation and rehanging of 18th century "mobile" Chinese wallpaper lost for 150 years - Harewood House
* Refurbishment of the Tank Museum - Bovington
* A new Buddhist Sculpture in Asia gallery - Victoria and Albert Museum, London
* A new double storey, 3D Bio Wall dedicated to the natural world - the Great North Museum project, Tyne & Wear
* Creation of a major new exhibition of London's history from 1950 to present, Londoners - Museum of London
* Re-display of the popular Foreign Mammals Gallery - including the Norfolk Polar Bear - Norwich Castle
* An improved entrance for the Courtauld Institute of Art Gallery, in their 75th anniversary year
* Innovative new signage system at the British Museum using images of iconic objects in the collection at key points in the galleries.

Culture Minister Margaret Hodge said:
"Once again the DCMS Wolfson Fund is providing support for museums and galleries from all regions of England. This year's grants go to an imaginative array of projects in national institutions, university collections and well-loved local museums and galleries. This funding will give visitors the best possible experience of some wonderful collections

Paul Ramsbottom, Executive Secretary of the Wolfson Foundation said:
"The Trustees of the Wolfson Foundation are pleased that the fund again attracted a large number of high quality applications. This investment continues to be appreciated by museums and galleries, and we are delighted to be working in partnership with DCMS to the benefit of so many important cultural institutions."

This is the sixth year of the current DCMS/Wolfson Foundation Museums & Galleries Improvement Fund, which has awarded a total of £20 million to institutions around the country since it was set up in 2002.

Notes to Editors
Press enquiries to Fiona Cameron 020 7211 6266
Out of hours telephone pager 07699 751153
Public enquiries 020 7211 6000

The DCMS/Wolfson Foundation Museums & Galleries Improvement Fund allocates £4 million annually to capital projects in national and regional museums and galleries.
Museums and galleries eligible to bid from the fund include institutions sponsored by DCMS, designated collections in museums or universities, and museums with non-designated collections in regional hubs.

A summary of the successful institutions and projects is given below:

Institution        Location       Project                  Funding
      Ashmolean Museum   Oxford         The Cast Gallery:       £165,000
                                        uniting Classical
      Beamish, the North County Durham  Colliery Lamp Cabin     £145,000
      of England Open Air Museum
      Birmingham City    Birmingham     Museum of the            £70,000
      Museums and Art                   Jewellery Quarter -
      Gallery                           gallery and visitor
      Bradford Museums   Bradford       Cliffe Castle Museum -   £25,000
                                        Keighley's Stories
      Bristol Museums    Bristol        Creative Spaces in       £85,000
                                        Bristol City Museum
                                        and Art Gallery
      British Museum     London         Innovative new signage  £100,000
                                        system using images of
                                        iconic objects in the
                                        collection at key
                                        points in the
      Colchester Museums Colchester     Natural History Museum   £55,000
                                        New Geology and
                                        Climate Gallery
      Courtauld          London         Gallery Entrance         £40,000
      Institute of Art                  Project
      Exeter City        Exeter         The Royal Albert         £50,000
      Museums and Art                   Memorial Museum and
      Gallery                           Arts Gallery
                                        Development Project
      Fitzwilliam        Cambridge      Greek and Roman         £300,000
                                        Gallery Project
      Hampshire County   Basingstoke    The Willis Museum: Fit   £50,000
      Museums Service                   for the 21st Century
      Harewood House     Leeds          Re-hanging of Chinese    £83,300
      Trust                             Wallpaper in the East
                                        Bedroom at Harewood
      Hartlepool Museums Hartlepool     New, improved and        £80,000
                                        hands-on 'Story of
                                        Hartlepool' galleries
      Imperial War       London         Creation of new          £80,000
      Museum                            exhibition space (B
                                        Floor Galleries)
                                        Imperial War Museum
      Jewish Museum      London         The Jewish Museum        £95,000
                                        Development Project
      Leeds Museums and  Leeds          Building on Success:     £72,000
      Galleries                         the restoration of [A]
                                        Sir John Ramsden's
                                        Dressing Room and the
                                        Red Dressing Room, and
                                        [B] the Darnley Room
                                        at Temple Newsam
      Leicester City     Leicester      New Walk Museum and     £145,000
      Museums and Art                   Art Gallery -
      Gallery                           Prehistorica
      London Transport   London         Creation of a new       £125,000
      Museum                            design gallery for the
                                        Museum's reopening in
                                        Nov 2007
      Manchester Museum  Manchester     Manchester Identity     £120,000
                                        Project, developing a
                                        new permanent
                                        exhibition, and
                                        creating a new model
                                        for public engagement
                                        and community
                                        participation within
                                        museums exhibitions.
                                        It will be
                                        specifically designed
                                        to explore the
                                        Museum's own
                                        relationship with
                                        Manchester's historic
                                        and contemporary place
                                        in the world,
                                        celebrating its links
                                        with the people of
      Museum of London   London         Creation of a major      £70,000
                                        new exhibit looking at
                                        London's history from
                                        1950 to the present
      National Gallery   London         Improvements to         £100,000
                                        environmental controls
                                        in the 16th Century
                                        Flemish and
      National Maritime  London         Build of special         £75,000
      Museum                            Exhibitions Gallery
      National Motor     Beaulieu,      Re-vitalising            £60,000
      Museum             Hampshire      Britain's first major
                                        exhibition of motoring
                                        history; the National
                                        Motor Museum in the
                                        21st Century.
      National Museums   Liverpool      Maritime Park - using   £220,000
      Liverpool                         modern technology to
                                        bring Liverpool's
                                        historic docks and
                                        quaysides to life, and
                                        to link Merseyside
                                        Maritime Museum and
                                        the newly opened
                                        International Slavery
                                        Museum with the Museum
                                        of Liverpool, due to
                                        open in 2010.
      National Portrait  London         Providing lift access   £122,000
      Gallery                           to the mezzanine
                                        landing, the only part
                                        of the Gallery
                                        currently not
                                        accessible to visitors
                                        and staff with
                                        mobility problems,
                                        together with other
                                        improvements to the
                                        display area.
      Natural History    Tring,         Natural History Museum   £87,000
      Museum             Hertfordshire  at Tring Gallery Six
                                        Amphibians, Reptiles,
                                        Marsupials and
                                        Domestic Dogs
      Norfolk Museums    Norwich        Transforming the         £60,000
                                        Natural History
                                        Galleries at Norwich
                                        Castle, exploring the
                                        lives of the Victorian
                                        collectors through
                                        fascinating tales of
                                        adventure and
                                        exploration. Many more
                                        specimens will be on
                                        display, some for the
                                        first time such as the
                                        extremely rare Great
      Oxford University  Oxford         Basement showcase        £55,000
      Museum of Natural                 upgrade History
      Peoples' History   Manchester     Build a new and          £60,000
      Museum                            improved Changing
                                        Exhibition Gallery and
                                        create a new Community
      Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford         Showcasing the Pitt     £128,000
                                        Rivers Museum's new
      Royal Engineers    Chatham        Model Bridging Gallery   £33,400
      Museum                            Project
      Sedgwick Museum    Cambridge      Sedgwick Museum          £28,000
                                        Gallery Redevelopment
                                        (Darwin Project) -
                                        Making the galleries
                                        more accessible to
                                        hearing, sight and
                                        mobility impaired
      Sheffield          Sheffield      Graves Art Gallery -    £126,000
      Galleries &                       Rise and Shine Stage
      Museums Trust                     II
      Stoke-on-Trent     Stoke-on-Trent Gladstone Pottery        £39,000
      Museums Service                   Museum - Learning for
      Tank Museum        Bovington      At Close Quarters -     £100,000
                                        The Discovery Centre
      Tullie House       Carlisle       Amati violin display      £8,300
      Museum & Art                      and interpretation
      Gallery                           project
      Tyne & Wear        Newcastle upon Diversity of Life       £200,000
      Museums            Tyne           (Great North Museum)
      Victoria and       London         Buddhist Sculpture in   £300,000
      Albert Museum                     Asia
      Wallace            London         Restoration of the       £75,000
      Collection*                       Small Drawing Room,
                                        creating a new setting
                                        for the wonderful Fete
                                        Galante paintings of
                                        18th Century France by
                                        Watteau, Pater and
      Weald and Downland Chichester     Vehicle and Implement    £27,000
      Museum                            Gallery
      Wedgwood Museum    Stoke-on-Trent The Enhancement and     £100,000
      Trust                             Implementation of the
                                        Wedgwood Museum's
                                        Interpretation Plan
      Wiltshire Heritage Devizes        Visitor Access           £11,000
      Museum                            Improvements
      York Museums trust York           Accessing York's         £30,000


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