Following discussions and an open consultation, plans to adopt a new ‘ecosystem approach’ have been published in a progress report on “A Living Wales”, the Welsh Assembly Government’s new framework for managing the living environment.
The new approach will look at the environment as a whole and set out a much more integrated approach to managing the natural environment that improves the health of ecosystems as a whole.
The main changes that the new ecosystem approach will bring are:
- A focus on the value of the environment as a whole, delivering environmental, social and economic outcomes
- Delivering positive environmental change, not simply conserving what we have
- Changes to how decisions affecting the environment are made
- Delivering positive economic and social opportunities
- Delivering opportunities for public involvement
- Looking at the potential creation of a single environment body for Wales
The Minister said:
“A Living Wales outlined our proposals for an ecosystem approach to managing Wales’ living environment and I’m delighted that the consensus of the 180 consultation responses was to welcome this move.
“Many of the respondents to the consultation welcomed a more holistic and streamlined approach to managing the environment as well as the establishment of a single body to oversee the work. Respondents were keen to understand how these proposals would work in practice and this progress report seeks to clarify how we will work with partners and stakeholders to take the next steps.”
Work streams will continue throughout 2011 to develop plans in relation to the Natural Environment Framework as well as proposals to establish a single environmental body. Specific work to refine the new approach will be taken forward through a series of reports and consultations.
The Minister added:
“The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to putting Sustainable Development at the heart of everything it does. A Living Wales seeks to ensure a much more integrated approach to managing our eco-systems.
“It puts eco-systems and their services right at the heart of our decision making processes and is aimed at ensuring that we treat our natural environment with the full consideration and respect it deserves.”