Learning and Skills Network
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Local authorities and Education - the New World

Regional seminars for local authorities on how to respond best to the challenges, and how they can operate in the new world, delivered by John Freeman CBE and LSN.

The policies of the Coalition Government and the pressures of the spending review pose unprecedented challenges for local authorities as they develop their education role.

The Secretary of State says that local authorities have a key strategic role with all providers; while increased autonomy for schools and colleges reduces direct local authority influence. Squaring this circle is the challenge for local authorities!

LSN, the not-for-profit education specialist, together with John Freeman CBE warmly invite you to attend one of our regional seminars that focus on how local authorities can respond best to the challenges, and how they can operate in the new world.

Why attend?

  • Hear the latest information on the spending cuts with analysis from John Freeman CBE
  • Explore what the functional changes of local authorities will mean to your organisation
  • Find out how local authorities can re-engineer themselves to meet their new requirements
  • Get expert advice, discuss your experiences and your plans with colleagues

Who should attend?

Directors of Childrens Services, Assistant Directors responsible for commissioning, and 14-19 senior managers.

Book now

You can book online now by using the links below.

All events run 9.30am until 4.00pm and include lunch.

Alternatively you can contact our events team:
Tel: +44 (0)207 492 5000

We hope to see you there.

About John Freeman CBE

Between December 2008 and August 2010, John headed-up the sector-led support programme for the transfer of responsibility of 16-19 education from the LSC to local authorities in April 2010.

Appointed a CBE in the 2009 New Years Honours List for services to local government, John is now an independent commentator on education and childrens services, and a consultant working on educational change management.

Find out more

For more information about these events, please contact Kirsty Rouse:

Tel: +44 (0)207 492 5000

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