Cabinet Office
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New Digital Advisory Board supports Government to deliver online services revolution

A dynamic new group of digital experts from industry, business and academia will support the Government to deliver its commitment to provide high-quality public services online by default, Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude said yesterday.

Chaired by UK Digital Champion Martha Lane Fox, the Digital Advisory Board will advise and support the Government Digital Service – the team in the Cabinet Office tasked with transforming government digital services – departments and agencies. The board will offer ideas and recommendations on the best way to achieve the digital transformation and ensure that government online services are easy to access and user friendly.

The 12-member board also includes Laura Wade-Gery, Executive Director of Multi-Channel at Marks & Spencer; and Alex Balfour, LOCOG’s Head of New Media.

The Cabinet Office Minister, Francis Maude, welcomed the role the Digital Advisory Board will play in driving the digital delivery of public services:

We are making public service delivery ‘digital by default’ and creating a single place online for government information.

“This revolutionary approach in the way government interacts with citizens will offer huge gains in efficiency and cost-effectiveness for the taxpayer.

“The impressive expertise and experience on the Digital Advisory Board will help us achieve our challenging goal of delivering all services digitally so they are cheaper, simpler, clearer and quicker and easier to use.”

Martha Lane Fox said:

This has been an exciting week.  My rollercoaster role as UK Digital Champion will now see me chair two new boards.  The Digital Advisory Board, announced by Francis Maude today, will challenge Government to deliver better services for users and is the next step on the journey to achieving Digital by Default services and information provision across government.

“I will also Chair the Go ON UK Board – a radical new cross-sector partnership bringing the benefits of the internet to every individual, organisation and community across the UK.”

Notes to Editors

1. The members of the Digital Advisory Board, which meets for the first time today, are:

2. The Digital Advisory Board will meet twice a year and members will be able to share their expertise and take part in additional ad-hoc meetings and events.

3. The delivery of digital government information fit for the 21st century came a step closer earlier this year with the beta release of a single government domain, GOV.UK, to test the delivery of public services digitally in one place.

4. Martha Lane Fox’s review of government digital services was published in October 2010. Her report recommended the creation of a “single government website and shared technology platform” being key to better service and more cost-effective delivery. This, and her other recommendations, were adopted by the Government. By moving departmental website information into one place, the Government anticipates that it would save over 50% of the current cost of internet publishing each year.

5. GOV.UK is a simpler, faster and cheaper way for everyone in the UK to find government information and access digital public services. The beta release of GOV.UK is an early test version that helps inform the development of the service.

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