Welsh Government
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Members wanted for new group to advise on Welsh medium education

People with an interest in Welsh-medium education are being invited to become members of a new group to advise on the Welsh Government’s strategy.An advert has been published for up to seven posts for the Welsh-medium Education Strategy Ministerial Advisory Group.

The Welsh Government launched its Welsh-medium Education Strategy in April 2010. The advisory group will meet three times annually, and will be chaired by the Minister for Education and Skills. Its purpose will be to advise on progress of the Strategy, in particular the coordination of planning of Welsh-medium provision.

Applications are invited from individuals with expertise and experience of matters relating to Welsh-medium education and training. The closing date for receipt of applications is 16 July 2012.  

The Welsh Government has also published its second annual report on the Welsh-medium Education Strategy.

Minister for Education and Skills, Leighton Andrews said:

“The second year of implementing the Welsh-medium Education Strategy has now concluded, and this report shows good progress against the aims and objectives of the strategy. But many challenges remain to be fully tackled.

Raising standards in literacy and numeracy must be a priority for everyone, and no one should underestimate the challenge of developing literacy in both English and Welsh. We also need to remember that less than a fifth of our secondary school population is currently taking advantage of Welsh-medium provision, therefore, we have developed an action plan to improve Welsh second language provision across Wales.

I would like to thank the previous members of the advisory group for their work and look forward to working with the new members when they’re appointed. The new group will play a very important role in helping us meet these challenges and deliver the aims of our Welsh-medium Education Strategy.”

Related Links

Welsh-medium Education Strategy: Annual Report
Ministerial Advisory Group for the Welsh-medium Education Strategy

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