National School of Government
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The Leading Innovation report to be launched on 16 June 2009 shows transformative and collaborative leadership is critical to creating the conditions for innovation.

The report suggests that civil service leaders need to create opportunities for policy-makers to reconnect to the front-line. This transformation involves government officials having more appreciation of the public as a resource and not as a problem. Ultimately it is the public’s engagement, motivation and aspirations that will forge the relationships to provide the foundations for a more innovative approach to public service.

Su Maddock, the Hub Director said:

“Government leaders need to be agile, transformative and collaborative to tackle the huge challenges the country is facing and get closer to the frontline to radically redesign public services and transform government. Unfortunately, at present Whitehall is over-determining and there is a need to re-balance local and national relationships.”

The key message from the Hub’s Vertical Network is that while transformative leaders are building mature partnerships for shared practices across localities, now is the time for much more bridge building between localities and central government and Whitehall departments. While the senior civil service is talented and intelligent, they have much to learn from innovative executives in local government, health and the police who have discovered innovative solutions by involving staff and local communities, thereby connecting to the problems people face working across services.

Notes to editors

1. The Whitehall Innovation Hub’s Leading Innovation report is available at 

2. In March 2008 the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) Innovation Nation White Paper called for the National School of Government’s Sunningdale Institute to set up an Innovation Hub which would act as a focal point for innovation across Whitehall – to develop awareness and understanding about innovation in the Public Sector and support its diffusion across the Public Sector. The Innovation Nation White Paper is available at 

3. The National School of Government is the centre of excellence for innovation in learning and development in support of public service transformation and became a separate government department in 2007. It strives to ensure the highest professional and academic standards in organisational and people development. The National School’s Sunningdale Institute is a virtual academy of leading thinkers on management, organisation and governance. Developing the senior civil service skills is central to the NSG’s New Deal with permanent secretaries and to the hub’s role in building an appreciation of innovation in central government. For more information visit 

4. On secondment from Manchester Business School, Dr Su Maddock is the National School lead on innovation. She is the director of a new National School Masters programme in leading change and was formerly the director of the Manchester Business School North West Change Centre. Dr Su Maddock can be contacted on or 07739 102489.

5. For media enquiries, please contact Alfred Bacchus, email , tel: 01344 634253.

6. For details of the actual launch event, please contact Gary O’Hara, email , tel: 01344 63 4125.

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