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Why accident prevention should be at the heart of England’s public health strategy is the key theme of a conference organised by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents next month.  

“Prioritising Accident Prevention: A Public Health Issue” takes place at the Hilton London Paddington Hotel on Thursday, March 21.  

Aimed at Health and Wellbeing Board members, directors of public health, local authority public health workers and anyone with an involvement in accident prevention, the conference will explain the workings of the new public health framework and the benefits accidental injury prevention can deliver within it.

It will examine:  

  • New evidence from RoSPA showing the shocking impact of accidental injury on public health
  • How the new public health agenda presents opportunities for an improved approach to injury prevention
  • The potential of injury prevention to deliver results and make efficient use of budgets
  • How to overcome barriers to implementing effective injury prevention interventions.  

Speakers will include Professor Kevin Fenton, director of health improvement and population health at Public Health England, Tim Baxter, head of the public health policy and strategy unit at the Department of Health, and Errol Taylor, RoSPA’s deputy chief executive.  

Sheila Merrill, RoSPA’s public health adviser, said: “The transferring of public health responsibilities to local authorities offers a chance to re-evaluate the issues which compete for funding, and to make changes which have a real impact on the health of the population.  

“Accidental injury is an area to which Health and Wellbeing Boards should be giving serious consideration. Accidents ruin and take lives, while generating huge costs for the NHS in patient care. Yet preventing accidental injury is proven to be both low cost and highly effective, not to mention easy to deliver through often existing frameworks.”  

Places at the conference, which is sponsored by the Electrical Safety Council, cost £42 (plus VAT) for RoSPA members and £50 (plus VAT) for non-members.  

For more information or to book a place, visit http://www.rospa.com/events/publichealth/, email events@rospa.com or call 0121 248 2089.  

RoSPA’s Big Book of Accident Prevention reveals how accidents are the leading cause of preventable, premature mortality up to at least the age of 60. To read its findings, or find out more about RoSPA’s public health campaign, visit www.rospa.com/publichealth


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