Transport for London
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From here to maternity

If you're a mum-to-be, asking for a seat on the Tube can sometimes be hard.

But, if you have a baby on board badge, passengers are more likely to see that you may need to sit down.

The badges are available from Transport for London (TfL) and aim to combat any awkwardness that may be felt when asking someone to give up their seat.

It also means passengers in priority seats can see when they should give them up.

Research undertaken before the scheme was launched in 2006 showed that pregnant women often felt awkward - even intimidated - having to ask if they could sit down.

And, while some people said they were happy to offer their seats to expectant mums, they felt embarrassed if their offer was rejected.

For your baby on board badge, call TfL's Customer Service Centre on 0845 330 9880 or email

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