Department of Health and Social Care
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Get well soon - without antibiotics

Get well soon - without antibiotics

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH News Release issued by COI News Distribution Service. 17 February 2009

Government launches campaign in fight against infections

The latest phase in a campaign to remind the public that antibiotics do not help to treat viral infections such as cough's, colds and a sore throat was launched today by the Chief Medical Officer for England.

Press adverts and posters will appear in newspapers and magazines from today are aimed at patients and Clinicians and are intended to reduce unnecessary requests for antibiotics from patients. The campaign forms part of the Government's strategy to tackle the increasing problem antibiotic resistance which could make treatment for common bacterial infections such as pneumonia much more difficult in the future.

Chief Medical Officer for England, Sir Liam Donaldson said:

"Antibiotics don't work on colds, most coughs or sore throats or even the flu. Using antibiotics when they are not necessary will increase resistance to them and make it difficult to treat serious bacterial infections in the future.

"If you are suffering with cold and flu symptoms or a sore throat you should rest, take plenty of fluids and speak to your pharmacist who will advise you on over the counter remedies that are available."

Antibiotic resistance is a global public health issue in which we all have a part to play in order to keep antibiotics effective. Latest data from the Health Protection Agency shows that resistance to the antibiotic most often used to treat E.Coli increased by 10% between 2001 and 2007.

Bacteria will always try to find ways to survive by evolving and developing resistance to antibiotics so we must stay one step ahead of the game.


* Patients with colds do not normally need medical advice but should consult their doctor if they are worried or if:

- a cough lasts more than three weeks,

- they have shortness of breath or chest pains develop,

- if they already have a chest complaint.

* NHS Direct can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0845 4647, or you can visit

* For copies of the campaign materials, or for further media enquiries, please call the Department of Health Newsdesk on 020 7210 5221.

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