Natural England
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Helping Environmental Stewardship agreement holders and SSSI owners to deal with ash dieback disease

Over the next week, Natural England will be contacting Environmental Stewardship customers and owners of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) with advice on how they can help combat ash dieback disease (Chalara fraxinea).  Natural England is also providing important advice on how to protect agri-environment payments should the disease be found in young trees planted as part of an Environmental Stewardship scheme.

Geoff Sansome, Director of Land Management at Natural England, says: “Natural England is working closely with Defra, the Rural Payments Agency and the Forestry Commission to determine how we can best combat this disease and support those whose landholdings may be affected by it.  We are getting in touch with our Environmental Stewardship customers to provide practical advice about the ash dieback disease and ensure that land managers know what action they can take to help protect their Enviromental Stewardship payments if the disease is identified on their holding.”

Natural England is providing its customers with information on how to spot the signs of Chalara fraxinea and is urging anyone who thinks they have found symptoms of the disease to ring the Chalara helpline on 08459 33 55 77 or email

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