Homeless Link
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Improving the health of homeless people

Homeless link responds to two reports published yesterday calling for commissioners to work better together to improve the health of homeless people.

Yesterday, the NHS Confederation called for the NHS to do more to tackle mental health problems among people who are homeless. Meanwhile a report launched by Depaul UK has found that 40% of young homeless people are likely to be experiencing depression compared with 21% of non-homeless young people.

In response Helen Mathie, Policy Manager for Homeless Link, said:

“Our own research shows that over 70% of homeless people have a mental or physical health problem. Issues that cost tax payers up to eight times more than the general population to address.

“At the root of this problem is the need for health services to work better together to help homeless people improve their health. All too often, homeless people end up being treated by expensive emergency NHS services because mainstream services just don’t cater for them. 

“Reform of the NHS offers us an opportunity to change this by ensuring that the right help is in place and that this can be accessed by homeless people. If we get this right it will benefit both patients and the NHS.”

In February 2012, Homeless Link published a paper that sets out a vision for an NHS where:

  • every homeless person gets the support they need to have a healthier life
  • services work together to prevent individuals from ending up on our streets

Helping homeless people regain their health: our vision for a better NHS includes recommendations and practical tips for commissioners and providers to work together and ensure the health needs of homeless people are at the centre of their care.

The vision paper recommends that:

  • All health bodies include and respond to the needs of homeless people
  • The right services are in place and can be accessed by homeless people
  • Homeless people receive a better standard of healthcare
  • Integration, not competition, is at the heart of the health service

To download the paper, visit:

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