WiredGov Newswire (news from other organisations)
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Don’t just criticise the Work Programme, encourage more employers to take it up, CIPD tells MPs

Responding to the publication of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee report on the Work Programme, Peter Cheese, Chief Executive ofthe Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), said: “The Work Programme has attracted a lot of harsh criticism, and this report is no exception.  However, it is sad and telling that the report makes no mention of employers, one of the most important stakeholders involved in the scheme.  Those employers who are engaging with the Work Programme and similar initiatives of their own to assist the long-term unemployed do so because they recognise that they have a responsibility in ensuring the labour market is accessible to people who may not have been engaged in it for some time.

Click HERE for the full article

Get ready for CSSC Active Wellbeing Autumn (AWA)