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A new online Resource Profiler has been launched to help support the practical safety and risk education work of the LASER Alliance, its members and those involved in producing resources.   The LASER Alliance, which is hosted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and sponsored by the Gas Safety Trust, brings together a range of UK-based organisations and individuals that believe in children and young people “learning about safety by experiencing risk” (from where the acronym “LASER” is drawn).  

The interactive profiler is designed to be of maximum benefit to those working on the development stages of child safety education resources. It helps to identify the resources’ strengths and shares effective practice to promote risk competence. The profiler can also be used to ascertain resources that may need to be developed in the future, as well as assessing which resources may compliment those already in place or which are about to be purchased.  

The profiler was created with help from Dr Jenny McWhirter, RoSPA’s risk education adviser, with selected material from her “10 principles of safety education” document that was published by RoSPA and the PSHE Association. It is the first of many developments involving the new LASER Alliance, which held its first meeting in February, at which a three-year sponsorship deal with the Gas Safety Trust was announced. The training event also gave safety education practitioners an opportunity to find out more about LASER Accreditation. The accreditation enables practitioners to demonstrate their commitment to educational excellence and quality, and schools and other organisations can be confident in the knowledge that accredited events have been approved at a high level for use in LASER activities.  

Cassius Francis, LASER Alliance co-ordinator and RoSPA’s youth liaison worker, said: “The new profiler helps with the process of developing resources and answers questions about whether the resources are going to deliver quality safety education. The creation of this online tool makes the process of identifying strengths and weaknesses in resources much more accessible to Alliance members and the wider public.”  

This month also marked the launch of the Chartered Practitioners course which was attended by organisations from across the UK, including Birmingham City Council, Dangerpoint Wales, DRS Safety, Max Conflict, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, RNLI, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, Warwickshire Road Safety and Western Power Distribution.  

The course is a national pilot for a new approach to accreditation for practitioners who contribute to PSHE education in schools. The scheme, known as “Chartered Practitioner”, is run by the PSHE Association for England, but is open to practitioners from other parts of the UK. Many LASER Alliance members contribute to practical safety education either in school or at centres designed for school pupils to visit.  

Jenny McWhirter said: “While LASER Alliance currently offers the chance to accredit your centre, activities or resources, the Chartered Practitioners course is a chance for individuals to develop and gain accreditation for their work.   “The Alliance continues to grow a membership of like-minded individuals and organisations who are keen on developing high quality, practical safety and risk education.”  

Professor Mary Benwell, on behalf of the Gas Safety Trust, said: “The Gas Safety Trust is delighted to see the launch of the new online resource profiler. It's the first of many new and exciting developments involving the LASER Alliance.  

“Sponsoring the LASER Alliance provided the opportunity to share information on and raise awareness of carbon monoxide deaths and serious incidents. The wide reach that the alliance has into local groups provides the opportunity to reach people with key safety messages who the Gas Safety Trust might not otherwise have the opportunity to reach. This is a great step forward in helping to improve awareness of carbon monoxide safety among these vulnerable groups.”  

To find out more about the LASER Alliance visit http://www.lasersafety.org.uk/. To use the Resource Profiler visit http://www.profiler.lasersafety.org.uk/


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