Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
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First Bluetongue epidemiology report published

First Bluetongue epidemiology report published

DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS News Release (News Release ref : 391/07) issued by The Government News Network on 30 October 2007

Defra has today published the first epidemiology report into the Bluetongue outbreak, based on the situation up to 19 October.

The report concludes that the infection was likely to have been initially introduced into Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex on the night of 4/5 August by windborne transmission of infected midges from continental Europe.

The report also describes the generally low morbidity, mortality and prevalence rates in infected animals. The majority of infected premises have only one infected animal and the prevalence is generally low.

Surveillance and testing are ongoing to gain an understanding of the geographical extent of the Bluetongue infection and to determine disease prevalence within herds and flocks.

Notes to editors

1. Further information, including maps of the Bluetongue, can be found at:

2. The epidemiological report is also published in full at:

3. As at 16:30am on 29 October 2007 there were 60 confirmed premises affected by Bluetongue. The latest figures on the number of Bluetongue cases will be updated on a daily basis (Monday to Friday) on the 'latest situation' page of the Defra website:

4. Further information is available to farmers via the Defra helpline (0845 9 335577) and website:

5. Farmers without access to the internet can also call the Animal Health 24 hour recorded information line (0844 884 4600) for up-to-date news on the latest developments.

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