Competition Commission
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CC publishes 2012/13 Business Plan

The Competition Commission (CC) has published its Business Plan for 2012/13, which sets out its aims and objectives over the next 12 months and addresses the specific challenges it faces in meeting them.

The plan is available at and specifies the CC’s objectives in 2012/13, each of which will be overseen by particular members of staff. The plan outlines current and new initiatives to meet these objectives, based on continuing improvement and learning through reviews and evaluation of previous work and development of best practice guidance.
It also sets out the CC’s planning assumptions on workload for the year ahead and how to meet these demands in the face of a continuing reduction in resources. In addition, following the Government’s decision to merge the CC with elements of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) to form a new Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)—bringing forward legislation during the next Parliamentary session—the CC will continue to work with OFT and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to ensure that the new competition landscape builds on the strengths of the current regime and that the transition from the current to the new regime is as smooth as possible.

Chief Executive of the CC, David Saunders, said:

'The forthcoming year is likely to be a particularly demanding one for the CC. Although we can never predict our workload exactly, it is clear that we face a very busy year so we will have to manage the resulting pressures on our budget while maintaining the high quality of our work.
'Now that the Government has confirmed its plans to create the CMA, we will also need to work closely with it and the new CMA management, once they are appointed, throughout this process. We must ensure that we play a full part in what will be a lengthy transition without compromising our ability to deliver what is asked of us, but I am confident that the CC will be up to the challenge'. 

Notes for editors

1. The CC is an independent public body which carries out investigations into mergers, markets and the regulated industries.
2. The Enterprise Act 2002 (the Act) requires the OFT to refer to the CC for investigation and report, completed or proposed mergers where there may be a substantial lessening of competition.

3. The Act also empowers the OFT to refer to the CC for investigation and report, markets where there may be an adverse effect on competition.

4. The CC has assessment and appeal functions under a wide range of sectoral regulatory regimes.

5. Further information on the CC and its procedures, including its policy on the provision of information and the disclosure of evidence, can be obtained from its website at:

6. Enquiries should be directed to Rory Taylor on 020 7271 0242.

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