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NHS Confederation Response to NAO Report on Cancer Reform Strategy

Responding to the NAO's cancer strategy report today (18 November) our PCT Network said it is important not to ignore the major improvements made to cancer care and to recognise PCTs' role in driving them.
Primary Care Trust (PCT) Network director David Stout said: “It is really important not to ignore the major improvements made in cancer care and to acknowledge the role primary care trusts have played in driving this. 

More consistent value for money needed

“However, we fully recognise that further progress is required in a number of areas. This report rightly highlights the importance of ensuring more consistent value for money from cancer service providers.  

“In response to the national strategy, NHS organisations have invested significant additional resources in cancer services in recent years. This has led to improved cancer survival rates, increased inpatients treated with chemotherapy, more efficient use of inpatient resources and shorter waiting times for diagnosis.

PCTs hampered

“PCTs have often been hampered in achieving good value for money by inconsistent national data sets, the quality of coding, and cumbersome payment systems. It is vital that these national problems are recognised by the Department of Health. The Government needs to understand and act on what is holding back local organisations."

Read the report

Read more about the report on the National Audit Office (NAO) website


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