Welsh Government
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Give reading with children a ‘try’ says Wales’ rugby stars

Welsh rugby superstars are encouraging parents to give reading with children a ‘try’.

Members of the team have taken time out of their busy schedules to support the Autumn Reading Heroes campaign by recording video messages and by being part of a poster campaign.

As part of the launch of the campaign, Education Minister Leighton Andrews and children from St Paul’s Church in Wales Primary school in Cardiff attended Wales’ captain’s run on Friday in order to help spread the message that reading with a child, for just ten minutes a day can make a huge difference to their overall reading ability and confidence.

The school runs buddy reading sessions throughout the year to develop children’s reading skills and to create an enthusiasm for reading from a young age.

The message comes as the Welsh Assembly Government develops its four year National Literacy Plan. The Strategy sets out how literacy standards are to be raised in Wales in the future.  

Wales’ Shane Williams said:

“We tour the world playing rugby and there’s nothing better to kill time than grabbing a good book. Comics, websites or even rugby programmes are fantastic for developing reading skills. Like rugby, the more you practice the better you get – so to be the best, give reading a try.”

Education Minister Leighton Andrews said:

“We want children in Wales to develop a love of reading, especially boys, who we know can sometimes be reluctant readers.

“I'm grateful that the Welsh rugby team are taking time out of their busy match preparations to spread the message that reading from an early age stands young people in good stead for the future.

“We are a proud rugby nation and we respect players from all over the world. They’re heroes to our children. If the Wales team can show reading is a good thing to do, hopefully parents and carers will be encouraged to make time for reading.”

Headteacher Mrs Susan Jones said:

“We’ve been running buddy reading sessions at St Paul’s for some time now and the children are clearly benefitting.

“They’ve discovered the joy of reading, not only books, but magazines, websites and comics as well. I’m sure that meeting their rugby heroes will only strengthen their passion for reading, and hopefully will encourage their parents to take ten minutes a day to read with them.”


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