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Monitor publishes independent report into 'Enablers and Barriers to Integrated Care and Implications for Monitor'

Monitor has published an independent report yesterday to inform the development of its policy on integrated care. The report titled Enablers and Barriers to Integrated Care and Implications for Monitor was commissioned by Monitor from Frontier Economics, the Nuffield Trust, the Kings Fund and Ernst & Young and is another part of the growing evidence base that Monitor will use to determine its approach as sector regulator.

Adrian Masters, Monitor Director of Strategy, said, "Healthcare is not a simple, standardised service. For many people it should be a bespoke package of treatments, tailored to their own needs. These treatments may be provided by several different health and social care professionals, perhaps across different providers. Where this works well, we know the NHS can deliver world-class care. But we also know that too often patients can slip through the gaps, and experience delays in treatment, or be obliged to repeat information or tests when a provider changes. Improving this picture could bring better care to many people.

"We believe there are significant opportunities to promote the interests of patients through the integration of care.  The Health and Social Care Act gives Monitor a responsibility to enable integrated care where this improves quality or efficiency, or reduces inequality. We take this responsibility very seriously and so we commissioned this research from Frontier Economics, the Nuffield Trust, the Kings Fund and Ernst & Young. We asked these advisers to help us define integrated care and identify the ways in which it might benefit patients. We also asked them to consider the different bodies that have a role to play in relation to integrated care. Finally, we asked for some initial recommendations on how Monitor could use its tools and powers to best enable the delivery of integrated care."

"This research is only the first step in a journey that will see Monitor working with others to develop an integrated care work programme for the coming months and years, but it is an important first step for a regulator determined to set out its plans on the basis of sound evidence. So we felt it was important to publish this research, and to ask our stakeholders and partners to comment on it, and on the specific recommendations it makes, before we make any firm decisions about the scale and scope of Monitor's work on integrated care."

Notes for editors

  1. For media enquiries please contact Nick Samuels on 0207 340 2446
  2. A copy of the report is available on our website:
  3. Monitor was established in January 2004. It is independent of government and accountable to Parliament. Monitor’s functions and powers are set out in the National Health Service Act 2006 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
  4. Monitor is now on Twitter - follow us @MonitorUpdate

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