Sport England
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Pledge for a fitter nation

A commitment to building a more active nation was made last week (13 February) with the launch of a campaign to promote physical activity across the country.

Sport England’s Chief Executive Jennie Price joined Lord Coe, LGA chairman Sir Merrick Cockell, Public Health Minister Jane Ellison and the Families & Children’s Minister, Edward Timpson to mark the launch of the ‘Moving More, Living More’ campaign. Led by the Government and Mayor of London, it will bring together individuals and key organisations such as local authorities, businesses and employers, to promote physical activity across the country - ensuring it is a lasting legacy of London 2012 and part of a long term vision for a fitter nation.

‘Moving More, Living More’ builds on learning from the world’s most active countries, that action on physical activity needs to be a long term effort and is best tackled through a team approach across government and all sectors.

Jennie Price, Sport England’s Chief Executive, says: “From aqua aerobics to buggy bootcamps to running a marathon, sport can play a pivotal role in building a more active nation. We are committed to opening up sport to all age groups and abilities to ensure the benefits of the Olympic and Paralympic legacy continue.”

The aims of the campaign are set out in ‘Moving More, Living More – The physical activity Olympic and Paralympic legacy for the nation’. It highlights some of the contributions Sport England is making including  a £40 million investment  into programmes specifically for disabled people and a further £6.3 million which has been dedicated to 15 projects designed specifically to tackle inactivity. 

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