Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
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Only by working together will we eradicate bovine TB

In England we already have tough measures that are helping stop the spread of bovine TB. We restrict cattle movement, regularly administer robust testing of cattle and are committed to piloting our badger control policy. However, TB is a constantly evolving disease and we have to move just as quickly to keep up with and eventually eradicate it.

The Government must work with farmers and vets in collaboration to do all we can to stop TB spreading. Through the new Animal Health and Welfare Board for England (AHWBE), the Government is asking all those involved in the fight against TB to work together and tell us directly about their ideas for improving the ways we work in tackling the disease.

Industry has always been innovative and the Government must be the same.  We are looking at all aspects of the disease’s impact – the measures that are taken, TB tests, how advice is given and removal of animals that test positive for bovine TB.

People can give their views through the Farmers Weekly website or by writing directly to the Board at: AHWBE (Bovine TB Call for Views), Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR.

Every recommendation will be carefully considered and the Animal Health and Welfare Board is also touring the country to ask farmers and veterinarians directly for their views.

You can find out more about TB by visiting:

Or find out more about the AHWBE and the countrywide visits here:

Nottinghamshire County Council’s time-to-hire has been reduced from 70 days to a streamlined 42 days