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Action for Children - Tonight is Byte Night 2011!

What is Byte Night?

Byte Night is an annual sleep-out in support of Action for Children, raising awareness and funds to help tackle the root causes of youth homelessness in the UK.

Tonight (Friday, 7 October), over 800 sleepers across the will brave the cold to sleep outside so others don't have to.

It's been going 13 years, and has been a fantastic success!

So far, Byte Night has:

  • helped to keep thousands of young people off the streets
  • helped to build better lives with secure accommodation, education and training opportunities
  • seen sleepers and amounts raised increase year on year, with over 700 sleepers raising £550,000 last year!

Donate now! - In support of this event, an intrepid team from Trillium (valued Wired-GOV subscribers and sponsors) are giving up their beds for one night to sleep rough in London. 

Click here to sponsor them and donate to this worthy cause - any amount large or small will make a difference.

Further information:

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan